Operations & Maintenance

In Association with GS Operations & Maintenance

GS Operations & Maintenance Co. (GS O&M) was founded in July 2008 as the GS group platform for providing specialized Operation & Maintenance Services to the international oil, gas, petrochemical, power and environmental industries.

GS O&M, a branch of GS Engineering & Construction (GS E&C), with more than 40 years of success in providing integrated EPC services, has gained extensive O&M experience working with most of Korea's largest and most successful refining and petrochemical groups who hold world ranking status in every field of operations and maintenance excellence.

GS O&M was specifically established to leverage these GS Core Competencies and multi-discipline capabilities for all phases of project development, execution and commercial operation. This extends through all primary management, operating, technical support, training and specialist execution services. In today's increasingly competitive and fast moving world of new energy and environmental economics every plant Owner is required to address every opportunity for enhanced plant performance, reliability, competitiveness & economic viability on a continuous basis.

Strengths of GS O&M

 Maintenance Best Practices & Database
 Experience and Skilled professional
 Familiarity with the process industries
 Management experience of subcontractors
 Commissioning & Start-up experience
 Global Sourcing networks
 Unparalleled Safety Performance
 Excellent Synergies between GS Group Affiliates

Services of GS O&M

 General Maintenance Contract
 Turnaround Maintenance
 Tank OOS System
 Industrial Cleaning Services
 Mechanical Works
 Specialized Services